I was assigned to comment on David Truss's blog, David Truss :: Pair-a-Dimes for Your Thoughts. In his Invisible Technology post, he talked about how technology should become 'invisible'. Moreover, invisible means that it is the norm and widely accepted. For instance, David used the example that we don't call pencil and paper activities 'pencil activities' and technology should be the same way. Furthermore, he goes on to say that learning can be facilitated easier when technology becomes invisible. This post was a very short post with only three or four sentences but, it was to the point. Also, he provided more information on the topic in a comment below his post. In this comment he clarified what it meant for technology to become 'invisible'.
First Comment
Hi David,
I am a student at the University of South Alabama taking a course in EDM 310, which teaches us how to use and incorporate technology into the classroom. I will be summarizing my visits to your blog through a post in my blog, www.reedjessseedm310.blogspot.com, on February 8th. My class objectives and your blog post topic are both on technology so it was easy for me to relate to what you were saying. Moreover, technology is beginning to become the norm for completing work instead of the traditional pencil and paper. With the use of technology, many more learning doors are opened. Furthermore, I enjoyed reading your post and it really got me thinking about how technology is becoming more "invisible" and pencil and paper are taking it's place.
Second Summary
In the second post I commented on, David used a video of a presentation he did at the Discovery Education YVR Ignite Session called Transforming Our Learning Metaphors #yvrignite. The presentation spoke a great deal to me because he talked about how learning should not just be preparation for the next grade or for college. Yes it should be about those things but, it should also be a journey and not a destination. Also, he said that the subjects taught should all intertwine and relate to one another so the student can better understand. This was a very interesting and engaging presentation. All aspiring teachers should watch it!
Second Comment
I thought that presentation really hit home with me. I have always said that learning should be more than just preparation for the next grade or college. As you said, learning is a great experience and teachers should be able to provide that experience for children. It was a great presentation and really provoked my thought process as I continue in my education degree.
Jesse Reed
Blog Address: http://reedjesseedm310.blogspot.com
Hi Jesse,
ReplyDeleteMy apologies. Usually I'm faster at accepting new comments and following up with comments like this. Work has been quite busy and I have not been keeping up with my personal emails, or even blogging much for that matter. I'm looking forward to catching up in our upcoming March break.
How do you like blogging? Do you think you will continue after your course? My blog anniversary is the end of March, and this year marks my 9th 'Blogiversary'. Although this past year has been my lowest in number of posts, I know this is part of the ebb and flow rather than a dwindling down... I'll start writing more again soon:)
I ask the questions above and mention my years of blogging because I think this is the best professional development I've ever done, and I'm interested in knowing, early in your career, if you find the process valuable?
Enjoy the journey and feel free to conect on Twitter @datruss if you have any questions.
(And now your comments won't need approval if you comment on my blog again😃)
ReplyDeleteSorry I have not responded I have been on my spring break! I really enjoy blogging. However, I think I will enjoy it more once I can write freely instead of completing assignments. I do plan to continue blogging because I think it is great way to meet people that can help me in my career! To be honest, this class has been very demanding of my time but I have benefited from it. Initially, I was not very happy about the fact that I would have to be posting so much on my blog. As the class has progressed I am beginning to see that as a future teacher I need to able to implement different types of technology in my classroom. Therefore, making this class a very important tool in helping me to achieve that goal. To answer your question, yes I do find it very valuable to have a blog! Once this class is over I really want to learn how to find topics to write about on my blog. Do you have any advice for me as a continue through school and begin my career? I have heard many people tell me not to start teaching and scoff at me when I tell that I am going to a teacher but I don't listen to them. Teaching is the one thing that I have always wanted to do and I know I will love it. Thank you for responding to my comment! I love getting to know new people and hearing what they have to say.
Hi Jesse,
ReplyDeleteI think this is a really exciting time to be an educator!
With your enthusiasm, I'm sure you will love it when you get your own class.
Some tips:
1. Embed some of these ideas into your classroom: http://pairadimes.davidtruss.com/7-ways-to-transform-your-classroom/
2. Challenge some of these ideas: http://pairadimes.davidtruss.com/challenging-the-status-quo/
3. Don't do it alone! Find mentors, find people to collaborate with in your building and across the world... Working together with other wonderful educators will keep your ideas fresh, and your practice of teaching exciting, challenging and engaging for you and your students!